Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Merci Anpil

Before I begin I would like to introduce myself and the purpose of this blog. My name is Jordan and I am currently a first grade teacher. As much as I enjoy my students and know the true value of education God has called me to work in the ministry. When that begins full time is in His hands, but until then I am traveling to missions fields  every chance I get. I'm sure you have heard that one of the best things about teaching is June, July, and August. This is very true for me! This past summer I spent six weeks in Haiti serving God's people.

Now I have been on four trips prior to my time in Port Au Prince, but this was the longest trip thus far. I have decided to start a blog so you can be a part of my time in other countries.  I believe you will be truly blessed to see how the God I serve is the same God throughout the world. I pray that your hearts and minds will be open and that you can be blessed from this blog. Please remember this blog is not about me, but an opportunity for you to see God's love for the people of the world.

My original plan was to start this blog while in Haiti. However, anytime I pulled up the internet all I got was Creole. So, here is a short overview of how my summer in Haiti went.

This summer I could not have been happier than serving others in true need. Haiti was the place God called me to go. Although it was not easy most days, I am so blessed and forever changed to have gone and served his people. You must understand that Haiti is a very hard place to be and I would not have made it without the protections and comfort of my Lord Jesus Christ. Serving others is what God has called us all to do and it is my passion to help!

While in Haiti I did more than just teach English. Although the first half of my day was spent in the classroom, the second half was spent doing whatever came my way. I took trips to the hospital with the sick, injured and also expecting mothers. I spent time in the ravine (dump) with the families there. We planted a church and fed babies while in the ravine. I helped run the clinic and provide health care to our children and those in the ravine.

Over my summer in Haiti God showed me that the desires of my heart align with the desires of his. I have always had a passionate heart for the hurt and the needy. Since returning to Haiti I have begun classes for trauma care and crisis response. With this training I hope to one day work full time with people throughout the world who need rescuing and help getting through life. Trafficked women and children, the poor, the hungry, the lost; I want to reach as many of them and share God's love and healing with them.

The picture below is of Jeandy. If God brought me to Haiti for one reason it was for this boy! I love him dearly and I am currently trying to get him the help he so desperately deserves. Please join me in praying for him!

I lived at Christian Light School and Children's Home for six weeks. Among those living here are children (like Kervenson pictured below)who call this building their home. They are very loved and well taken care of. This is a safe place where they can grow in Christ and get an education. Such a blessing in a world of darkness! To learn more about Christian Light School or how to help please visit their website: www.clshaiti.com 

These girls are Christmas (left) and Shirley (right). They were two of my students this summer. What sweet girls! There were days when teaching was definitely not easy at CLS but these girls always had a smile and a hug waiting for me. They were a daily reminder that we are all God's children and we are to love one another. Sounds simple, but how easy we can forget. I'm very thankful for these girls :) 

Thank you for those who have supported me. Without your help this summer would not have been possible. Yes, CLS could have survived without me, but I am so blessed to have been able to help them and their amazing ministry. I don't think I could ever tell you thank you enough. I pray for God's blessing over you for your support. 

Please keep CLS and the ministry in your prayers. As with any ministry there are ups and downs and it is not an easy task. What they are doing for the children of Haiti is truly amazing and they are raising Christian leaders in a land so desperate for the light of Jesus. 

I also ask for prayer for myself as God reveals his plan for my life. I am listening intently and with patience. I have put all of my trust in him and know his plans are much greater than mine. 

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness, Jordan! It always makes me so happy to hear you talk about what God is doing through you. Your life is so inspiring. I will definitely be praying for you and for Haiti and for Nicaragua. :)
